Veggie Juice Energy Drinks
Smoothies are all the rage, and rightly so!
If you want to change your diet to be healthier, you need to watch what you drink as well as what you eat. Dump the soda, and bring in the veggie smoothie.
Incorporation vegetables into your drinks will add vitamins and minerals vital for your body, but they contain less sugar than fruit juice.
Here are some recipes to try!
You will need a good blender or food processor in order to use firmer ingredients like raw sweet potato or beetroot.
1. Green Guru
- 150 g zucchini
- 150 g cucumber
- 1 stick celery
- 1 medium apple
- 1/8 lemon
- 100 ml water
- Wash all ingredients well, as they’re all being used unpeeled (yes, even the bit of lemon).
- Cut and quarter the apple. Cut the zucchini, cucumber and celery into thick chunks.
- Put all ingredients and the water into the blender and mix well for about 1 minute.
- If the consistency is too thick, add a little water and mix for another few seconds.
2. Mister Rossi (Gazpacho 2.0)
- 125 g ripe tomatoes
- 1 small red bell pepper
- 1 spring onion
- 1 stick celery
- 1/4 avocado
- 2-3 tbsp mediterranean herbs
- 1/2 garlic clove
- 3 dried tomatoes
- 1 dash lemon juice
- salt & pepper
- 1 dash of water
- 3-4 ice cubes
- Wash tomatoes, pepper and herbs.
- Quarter tomatoes, remove stem and insides of the pepper and cut into chunks. Peel the garlic.
- Cut open the avocado and remove 1/4 of the flesh with a spoon.
- Put all ingredients and a dash of water into the blender and purée well for about 1 minute on max setting.
- If you like to enjoy your gazpacho slightly warmer, leave out the ice cubes and blend for a minute longer.
3. Deep Purple
- 100 g raw beetroot
- 100 g raspberries
- 1 orange
- 1 slice of ginger
- 1 sprig mint
- 250 ml water
- 4-5 ice cubes
- (optional: 1 date)
- Remove the greens from the beetroot and wash it well. Wash the raspberries, mint and ginger, peel the orange.
- Quarter the beetroot and the orange or cut into chunks.
- Cut open the avocado and remove 1/4 of the flesh with a spoon.
- Put all ingredients and the water and ice cube into the blender and mix well until smooth.
- If the raspberries are too sour, add a date to sweeten the mix.
4. Easy Peasy
- 150 g sweet potato
- 150 g cubed frozen mango
- 1 lime
- 300 ml water
- 2-3 ice cubes
- Peel the sweet potato and cut into chunks. Add to the blender.
- Squeeze the lime and add the juice as well as a small piece with peel to the blender.
- Add frozen mango, water and ice cubes to the blender.
- Blend well until creamy. You might need to use a tool to carefully move the chunks to the blades.
- Add small splashes of water until you like the consistency.
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